Bryan’s Testimony

I have shared that the farm is where the magic happens. Monday, May 4 was no exception. We were blessed to have Greg Maddox and his horse, Pepsi, visit the farm to provide an amazing opportunity for Bryan. Bryan is one of our new participants in our equine learning program. He has been looking forward to being able to actually ride. Greg made that possible quicker than we thought was possible when he was able to bring Pepsi for a visit.

The pictures say it all but Bryan shared these words…”Today was incredible, and nothing is impossible. Thank you so much for those involved with this. I got to meet, and ride Pepsi! To top it off, I started to learn a new trick, and was given it to practice with. So blessed!”

This is just the beginning of Bryan’s journey with us. I often say it takes a village to do what we do. We are blessed to have Greg in our village!